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Toss'n It   (2009) 

Director:  John Van Slyke

Starring:  Jason Powell, Dan Katula, Libby Amato and Robert W.C. Kennedy


Do people misunderstand your love for cornholing? We can help.

Doris Gives Good Therapy  (2009)

Director:  Ross Bigley

Starring:  Dan Katula & Libby Amato


A man realizes that his therapist has more issues than him.

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Sex Tape Attempt  (2009)

Starring and Directed by:  John Van Slyke and Jocelyn Ridgely


A couple gets it on. . . video.

For the Birds (2009)

Director:  John Van Slyke

Starring: Dan Katula and Jocelyn Ridgely


A childhood prayer was a traumatic experience for Arnold, but his therapist's method may not be worth the emotional breakthrough.


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Sinking Ships (2009)

Director:  John Van Slyke

Starring:  Robert W.C. Kennedy, Amanda Shalhoub and Felix Bofil


A woman has a strange question, she hopes that someone has an answer.



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You'll be the Death of Me (2009)

Director:  Ross Bigley

Starring: Jason Powell


Jason Powell is his own worst enemy.



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Pedestrian Confessions (2009)

Starring and Directed by:  Robert W.C. Kennedy, Dan Katula, John Van Slyke, Jocelyn Ridgely and Nathan Irish


Strangers come to a remote area and confess their sins to. . .

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On the Phone (2009)

Directors:  John Van Slyke

Starring: Amanda Shalhoub and Dan Katula


A young woman meets a stranger who doesn't care about her phone conversation.

Nigerians and the cost of email (2009)

Starring and Directed by: John Van Slyke


A man has issues with junk mail and needs to talk with the Fonz about it.




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TV or Radio (2009)

Director:  John Van Slyke

Starring: Dan Katula, Robert W.C. Kennedy and Felix Bofil


When a stranger asks: Quasar, TV or Radio?  Be sure to have the right answer.




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Tango and Cash (2009)

Director:  John Van Slyke

Starring: Dan Katula and Amanda Shalhoub


Nothing wrong with a classic movie.




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Crosswalk Curtsey (2009)

Director:  John Van Slyke

Starring: Dan Katula, Amanda Shalhoub, John Van Slyke, Robert W.C. Kennedy & Felix Bofil


The strangest things happen when you don't realize it.

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