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Cruel Shifts

1992,  7 minutes

Dark Comedy


Original MATA Broadcast version 

12 minutes

Dark Comedy




At a local eatery there are two workers that hate each other. They both dream of doing away with the other, and one finally decides to enact on his fantasies.









Dirty Job Films is proud to present our first film. Originally produced on tape in 1992 through MATA Community Media, and edited tape to tape, the surviving materials are 2nd generation at best. 


Director Ross Bigley recently upconverted the film to HD and felt that he could improve upon the original edit. Many shots went on far too long and slowed the pacing. Being a first time filmmaker and using tape to tape editing, he felt limited that it wasn't as precise as the cuts needed to be. 


In 2022 he recut the film, going from 12 minutes down to 7, and without losing a scene. The original MATA produced version is also available to see this fall on our youtube channel. 



Ross Bigley

Dan Streng


Briane F. Pagel J.R.

Vicky Wittig


Dan Streng

Rob Schrab

Ross Bigley


Story By

Mike Dewitt

Rob Schrab

Ross Bigley


Editor and Director
Ross Bigley



Kevin Lozada



Ernesto Acevedo



Evil Manager, Rob Schrab 

Short Guy, Matthew Laznicka

Customer, Briane F. Pagel J.R.






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