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The Op Series


Produced in association with Unusual Suspects.

Part 1:

2015, 10 minutes

In the late 1930’s the murder of wealthy beer baron has been committed and it falls to The Op to solve the case, but the list of suspects makes it hard to decipher who the real killer is. 

Part 2:

2018, 12 minutes

The Op returns and finds out that the life he's been living is a lie. A secret past, a secret family and what did happen back in Spain? It's a race against time for The Op as he puts together the broken pieces of his past, and avoiding the bullet waiting for him.


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With a love of film noir Michael Weber deveolped The Op, an homage to the works of Dashiell Hammett Continental Op series of works. Dark and hard bitten, it’s set in a world of harsh light, deep shadows and mysterious women. Shot and conceived as one short, it was then lengthen as two shorts. But numerous production problems and reshoots have delayed the second film.


While in post, the look of the footage was drastically altered to resemble a film of the 30's as much as possible. Film grain filters were added. and title cards were adjusted to feel of that era. 



Written, produced and  directed by:
Michael Allen Weber

Directors of Photography
Jenny Morgan, Ross Bigley & Joe Lefeber

Producer, Editor

Ross Bigley


1st A.D.

Bill Olsen



The Op, Michael Allan Weber

Mrs. Vanderhouse, Pamela Brown

Rodney, James Fletcher

Sondra, Maureen Chobanoff

Winfield, James Jonas

Councilman Evers, Kevin Croak

Thornton,  James J. Gallagher

Vanderhouse,  John Van Slyke

Geneva Madison, Colleen DuVall

Gun Man, Howard Goldstein

Elnora, Molly Langhenry

Jessie Grace, Julia Hren

Newsboy, Charlie Hosale

George Utz, Rex Sikess





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