My Ex Boyfriends
2003, 16 minues
Comedy, (Adult Content/ nudity)
Three old friends gather to talk about what they have been doing, the conversation turns to boy friends and we relive each experience through flashbacks. Through a series of surprises we find that all three women have something in common.
Shot in 2003, but shelved until audio elments could be completed. This finished edit was done in 2012. Originally written years ago, and with one lead, filmmaker Ross Bigley decided to revamp the concept and to tailor it to three actors that he had gotten to know.
Music by:
Ku Mays
Written & produced by:
Nicole Netsen, Dave Rogman, Robert W. C. Kennedy and Ross Bigley
Directed by:
Ross Bigley
Unit Production Manager / Sound:
Dave Rogman
Directors of Photography:
Ryan Nelsen
Ross Bigley
Edited by:
Ross Bigley
Script Supervisor:
Norma Mulhollen
Production Assistants:
Norma Mulhollen and Shane Merven
Comet Cafe
Alterra Coffee
Milwaukee Police Department
Emily, Nicole Netsen
Janet, Emilie Meyer
Sandy, Megan O' Donnell
Randy, Robert W. C. Kennedy
Gerry, Brian Allman
Over Zealous Boyfriend, Kid Beat Box
Waitress, Stacie Williams
Tom (body), Dave Rogman
Tom (voice), John Van Slyke
Poker Buddy, Scott Gephart
Strip Poker Girl, Jodie
Customer, Felix Bofil
Man on Phone, Bo Sefus
Man in Alley, Ross Bigley