
Yellow Hill is a fast-paced western loaded with action and iconic characters. It’s a story of greed, where people survive by any means necessary.
Starring Bai Ling as a Clint Eastwood type hero saving Chinese Settlers from a gang of desperadoes who see them selves as judge, jury and executioner.
Who will be left standing and who leaves town, boots first?
It’s an homage to the films of Sergio Leone, yet with a modern twist. A western with a powerful story of Chinese immigrants surviving in the old west.
Yellow Hill is being produced by Bai Ling, Ross Bigley & Glen Popple.
All materials script/photos are owned and copyrighted by Yellow Hill Investments LLC. Script by Ross Bigley.
All characters created by Ross Bigley.
The 1860's. A time when people of all stripes came to America.
The land of dreams. The land of promise. These were people looking for prosperity. What they found was hardship.
In a dying gold town called Holsum a community of Chinese immigrants are being brutalized, beaten, whipped and even murdered. Corrupt Mayor Carson and his gang of vicious lackeys, led by ruthless psychopath Jackson, is trying to drive them out but they refuse to leave.
Enter The Stranger: A beautiful Chinese woman who has suppressed a great deal pain from her past. Sold into prostitution when her father needed money she meets a mysterious companion that shows her kindness, then showed her love. Until the day he left her. So The Stranger rises up against her sadistic owner, killing him and fleeing. She now wanders the American frontier, cut off emotionally from everyone. The Stranger arrives in Holsum by train, just passing through. The locals don’t know what to make of her: She dresses like a man, might be local Indian, but all the locals know for certain is that they don’t like her much. She comes upon the saloon, wanting nothing more than a room and a bottle. But she catches the attention of Stonewall and members of Jackson’s men who follow her to her room. That was their first mistake.
She easily lays waste to two of them and Stonewall high-tails it straight to Jackson, informing him and Mayor Carson of this new threat to their plans. That night The Stranger visits the Chinese Settlers who’ve made their home on a small stretch of land next to Holsum, referred to in a demeaning way as Yellow Hill.
She sees the injustice brought upon her people and the ice surrounding her heart begins to thaw. It’s at this point that the mysterious companion from her youth re-enters her life. The question is will he fight along side her, or against her. Jackson sends his best men to rid himself of The Stranger once and for all. They confront her in her room but even with odds of five-to-one they’re still no match for her skills.
After Jackson’s men fail spectacularly The Stranger uncovers the reasons for the horrors inflicted upon the Chinese settlers. They’ve found that there is still gold in Holsum and have concealed it from Mayor Carson. The settlers are melting the gold and hiding it in plain sight. Jackson stages one last deadly raid upon the immigrants. Men die, Yellow Hill burns and The Stranger is wounded and captured.
All of which leads to the final confrontation between The Stranger and Jackson. Who will be left standing and who leaves town, boots first? Yellow Hill is a fast-paced western loaded with action and iconic characters. It’s a story of greed, where people survive by any means necessary. It’s an homage to the films of Sergio Leone, yet with a modern twist.
Yellow Hill is being produced by Bai Ling, Ross Bigley & Glen Popple.
故事发生在19 世纪60年代 (1860’s). 当时 各个种族, 各个社会层次的人们涌向美国这块充满着梦想,充满着机会的土地.他们为寻求机遇和美好生活而来. 但他们所 找到的 却是苦难和艰辛.
在一个叫做浩森(Holsum) 的日趋没落的淘金小镇,聚居着一批中国移民. 他们正遭受着残酷迫害, 鞭打,甚至被谋杀.腐败的镇长卡尔森及其一群邪恶走狗正在试图驱赶中国移民离开这里. 黑帮的头目是个名叫杰克逊的冷酷无情的精神变态者. 尽管如此, 中国移民拒绝离开.
外来的陌生人: 一个美丽的中国 女 人忍受着来自苦难的过去带给她的巨大痛苦: 她的父亲为了钱财将她卖到了妓院.在那里她遇到了一个神秘的伴侣. 直到他离开她的那一天,他一直对她很友善, 并对她表达了爱情. 此后, 她起身反抗虐待她的性占有者, 杀了这个男人, 逃了出来. 现在,她流浪到了美国新大陆, 切断了和所有人的感情联系.
这个陌生人乘火车来到了浩森镇, 只是匆匆而过. 本地人不知道怎样对待她才好: 她穿得象个男人, 或许是个美洲印地安人,但有一点可以肯定: 他们不喜欢她.她来到一家小酒馆. 她只想要一瓶酒和一间小屋. 但她引起了斯同沃和杰克逊匪徒们的注意. 他们尾随她来到了小屋. 这是匪徒们的第一个错误.
她轻而易举地打败了其中的两个匪徒. 斯同沃飞奔至杰克逊, 报告他和镇长卡尔森: 她的出现对他们的计划构成了新的威胁. 这个陌生人当夜走访了住在浩森镇外的中国移民们.他们在一块与镇子相连的小坡地上安了家. 这里被当地人带有贬意地称为”黄色的丘陵”. 她看到同胞们所受到的不公正待遇. 紧箍着她的心灵的坚冰开始融化. 此时她年轻时的神秘伴侣再次进入她的生活.悬念是: 他将和她并肩战斗还是与她为敌?
匪首杰克逊派他的得力干将们来彻底除掉这个陌生人. 他们在她的屋里相遇,打斗,但即便是以不对等的5:1, 他们仍然无法与她的功夫相比. 当匪徒们败下阵来之后, 她惊人地揭开了使得这些中国移民害怕的原因.他们已经发现浩森镇附近仍然有黄金并且对贪腐的卡尔森镇长隐瞒了这个发现. 他们正在融炼黄金还把这些黄金藏在一处荒地.匪首杰克逊对移民们发动了最后的殊死攻击. 男人被打死,”黄色丘陵”被焚烧, 陌生人受伤被俘. 所有的一切导致杰克逊与陌生人之间的最终对决. 谁将留下生活于此, 谁将被迫离开,被踢出去?
黄色的丘陵是一部充满武打和传统人物角色的快速西部片.它是讲述了一个贪婪, 人们 在此用尽一切手段 求生存 的故事. 它是一部忠实于Sergio Leone 电影风格, 同时带有现代风味的作品.
黄色的丘陵由白玲, Ross Bigley & Glen Popple 主演, 导演,制作.
Yellow Hill

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