About Us
The Milwaukee Independent Film Society was founded in 1996 by Dan Wilson. Its mission and goals were to provide a grass roots community where local filmmakers can share their ideas, projects, and collaborate on local efforts.
MIFS is a non-profit organization who leadership has changes, but missions remains the same.The Milwaukee Short Film Festival is our signature event, since its inception in 1994 we've steadily built our reputation as one of the best regional festivals in America. We were signaled out in 2006 by Moviemaker Magazine as "Best Local Festival" with a strong slate of award winning International films, and the best in local filmmaking.
Each year we do our best to get industry professionals from Los Angeles and the Milwaukee area to jury the films. Previous judges were Mark Metcalf (Animal House, Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Zack Ward (A Christmas Story, Transformers), Uwe Boll (Postal, House of the Dead) Timothy J. Lonsdale (Speed, Species) George Tillman JR (Soul Food, Faster) and David Streit (Jurassic Park III, River's Edge) .