The Times Cinema
5906 West Vliet Street

After doing two festivals in 2003, we began as an annual event in 2004.
We also moved to a new venue.
The Grocery (Wauwatosa)
by Karen Lindholm Rynkiewicz
A story about the power of love. While grocery shopping, an older drifts into romantic memory. Soon, the whole store is swept up in a dancing fantasy.
watch film here:
Der Wald (The Woods) (Milwaukee)
by Erin McCann
A young lad, disheartened by the metorpolis in which he lives, escapes to the woods. He is given sanctuary until he breaks a promise, enabling horror to ensue; a tragic ending to a tragic tale.
ALDARA (Milwaukee)
by Eric Gerber
Touching an infected person's lesions can transmit cells containing the virus. Only total absence of any contact with infected tissue will avoid transmission.
God Knows Your Lonely Soul (Milwaukee)
by Howie Goldklang
Howie Goldklang is a filmmaker rooted in the tradition of silent film and music video. In 2004 he founded the Milwaukee based music video company, Establishment Productions.
Pre (Milwaukee)
by Jeff Fitzsimmons
Timing is everything.
Wishtaker (Milwaukee)
by Carlo Besasie
Many different people toss coins into a fountain, hoping to change their unpleasant situations, but a homeless man often removes the coins, interfering with their destinies. Starring Mark Metcalf (National Lampoon's Animal House, Seinfeld) and Suzanne Grazanna (West Wing, One Hour Photo).
Louis & Me (Milwaukee)
by Mariko Ujisha
Obsession leads to self-destruction. What happens when a wife is obsessed with a lifeless handbag and the husband gets jealous? This film shows the extremes of today's overzealous consumerism with name brand culture.
Oak Hill Picture Show (Milwaukee)
This is a short preview of a film in production.
IN the WORKS (Milwaukee)
by Michael Moynihan
A video sketchbook of notes and ideas of three projects now being worked on and created by playwright/director/video maker Michael Moynihan. The final results may end up on stage or screen or perhaps both. The three segments are: 1) A documentary about Musician, Fire Performer, Body Artist and Photographer Sandy Jungwirth. 2) An experimental animation entitled Panic Attack or Panic Disorder. 3) Free on the www: Staire. Consists of satirical content appropriated (that is, stolen) from various places on the www. People send me such things. Presently in very early stages of development/structuring.
by Jeff Becker
Based on a Czech myth of a water spirit that haunts Czech rivers, this short classic horror film traces the first and last shift of Josef Svarec, a river maintenance worker who despite several ominous warnings is seduced by a mysterious woman.
2004 Festival Film
A short film by Jeff Fitzsimmons. Produced as part of a 24-hour filmmaking challenge. The theme was "Slow Motion." Original sound by Drew Cady and music by Mark Fauver.
2004 Festival Film
A short film by Jeff Fitzsimmons.
2004 Festival Film
God Knows Your Lonely Soul
Medusa (Milwaukee)
By Lilly Czarnecki
A girl turns into a monster.
Leavings (Milwaukee)
by Dan Wilson
Starring Jeff Fitzsimmons who also has work in the festival (Pre, Drift)
Valerie (Oshkosh)
by George Geider
Valerie Lewis, a 19 year old college student is obsessed with an ex-boyfriend. She places an unhealthy importance on her appearance and social life, these mistakes take a toll in a shocking ending.
Reclaimed Treasure (Madison)
by J J Burkart
This is a documentary telling the story of the Silver Falls region of Oregon. It is a classic story of man versus nature. Silver Falls goes from a pristine old-growth forest to a stumpy wasteland and back before finally gaining protected status as a state park. Winner of Northwest Regional Emmy for Outstanding Student Work in 2003.
Good Morning (Chicago)
by Ryan Dillion
During the winter in a small, dirty, blue-collar town. Philip, an owner of a men's tailoring shop, who lives alone and centers his life around the work he doesn't much care for, exits a bar looking for a woman to ease his immediate concerns of loneliness and sexual frustration.
What Remains (Milwaukee)
by Eric Gerber
A glimpse inside a man's fascination with preserving the remains of insects.
mind plasma! (Milwaukee)
by Andrew Rosas
Part comedy, drama, and deceptively funny-yet-serious strip-mall philosophy, mind plasma! follows performance artist T.J. Richter through a series of brain-wave bending interviews and screaming daydreaming performances climaxing in a low-budget low-brow Greek tragedy surprise ending.
Drift (Milwaukee)
by Jeff Fitzsimmons
Exhaustion takes its toll.
How To Not Kill Everyone (Milwaukee)
by Kathy Fischer
An extremely intelligent man struggles to control his murderous fits of rage.
After Poe (Milwaukee)
by Lincoln Nelsen
Two men bicker at a fast food drive through window.
2004 Sponsors


1827 N Farwell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202

722 East Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53212

701 W. Glendale Avenue Glendale, Wisconsin 53209 CALL (414)964-BREW(2739)
6th Milwaukee Short Film Winners
Best Film
Eric Gerber for "Aldara."
Second place Honorary Mention- tie
Howie Goldklang's "God Knows Your Lonely Soul"
Ryan Dillon's "Good Morning."
Artistic Achievement
Mariko Ujihisa "Louis and Me."
Special Artistic Vision
Jeff Fitzsimmons won for two works "Pre" and "Drift."
Dawn Youngs and Jeremy Zeman in "Good Morning."
Audience Award
Carlo Besasie for "Wishtaker."